Hello there! My name is Daniel Scheufler. I am a Principal Consultant with Improving Houston where I have developed software for oil and gas, telemedicine, eCommerce, and legal clients. I work mostly in the .NET Stack with React/Typescript but continue to add new languages and frameworks to my toolbelt. Of late, I have honed my focus on Software Engineering Leadership, and on the communciation aspect of my work. Everything rises and falls on leadership. Communication is just part of that skill set.
In an effort to capture my experience, and to help others, I write a blog with interesting discussions on softeware, engineering, leadership, as well as some nuts-and-bolts topics. I have developed numerous community talks on a variety of topics, covering leadership, agility, and effectiveness to name a few. Want to get to know me better? Connect with me on LinkedIn, Github, check out my podcast, or send me an email! I'm happy to discuss Leadership, Software, offer pro bono advise, or answer any questions you might have.